FlashMoto Photo Portfolio CMS Template
FlashMoto Photo Portfolio CMS Template
This flash CMS template is one huge awesome gallery. You can see a sphere made of thumbnails right in the center of it.

The template supports fullscreen and you can switch the gallery view, which will make the thumbnails slowly flowing and transforming from a sphere to a wall. The gallery is mouse responsive, whish allows you to change the angles and spin the sphere.

Except for this great gallery there are also content pages, that will complete your portfolio website. Those are located under menu and show a piece of great animation when being clicked.

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    PHP v. 5.2.1 or higher;
    Zend Optimizer v3.3 and higher;
    For uncompressing a template ZIP package:
    WinZip 9+ (Windows);
    Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac);
    Adobe Flash CS3;
    Adobe Photoshop CS+
    FLA, HTML(no html version included if flash site), PHP, PSD, SWF, XML
  • tags: art flash flashmoto gallery hobby papervision3d photo xml