Imagine the power FlashMoto CMS
Imagine the power FlashMoto CMS
Can you imagine a business website that catches imagination by its creativity yet remains highly professional and keeps the business style? Imagine the power FlashMoto business CMS template is a perfect example of such website that would speak about your company serious yet creative approach to everything you make. The FlashMoto template gray colorscheme is perfect for a business style website and helps make an accent on the information presented on the website. Texts can be easily read and corporate photos add nice personal approach.

Imagine the power FlashMoto flash CMS template package includes the admin area with the full control over all website elements. You can now forget about contacting your designer time after time to update telephone numbers, price list or new company address. Now you can make it on your own and no special skills are required. Be a professional in everything you make, choose FlashMoto business template for your corporate website.

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    PHP v. 5.2.1 or higher;
    Zend Optimizer v3.3 and higher;
    For uncompressing a template ZIP package:
    WinZip 9+ (Windows);
    Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac);
    Adobe Flash CS3;
    Adobe Photoshop CS+
    FLA, HTML(no html version included if flash site), PHP, PSD, SWF, XML
  • tags: flashmoto flash education business art gallery hobby photo portfolio services xml