- A full Papervision 3D photo gallery - for professional photographers or personal gallery. Realistic 3D Globe Heart with GPS Menu , and 3D Papervision 3D Flash Grid Gallery
* Ad unlimited GPS Globe Buttons;
* Ad unlimited photo in Grid Gallery;
* Controlled via simple text files ;
* Symple integrate in your project;
August 10, 2011
I purchased your template and am having a horrible time trying to get it to work. Can you help me??? It works on my desktop only -- when I upload it I get a message that I need to have flash player. I have flash player.
Then I tried to link it to my webpage and again it will not function -- I get a message that Safari cannot find the page -- your globe page which I have changed the name of to map so that I can link to it.
Then I tried to integrate it into my webpage as page 8-page.html which doesn't work either. When I upload it the globe shows but that all the locations and pictures don't appear at all.
You state that it is easily integrated BUT HOW?????
Can you please send some instructions on (1) how to upload it so that it works
and (2) how to integrate it into a current webpage?
I would appreciate your help ASAP