Architecture Services Facebook Template
Architecture Services Facebook Template
Facebook Flash CMS Template is a basically a full-fledged Flash website delivered within Facebook - it is meant to be used as a custom brand page on Facebook, we're sure you've seen a lot of those. But what's best about these Facebook Flash CMS templates is that they're all powered by Moto CMS - by far the most feature-rich content management system out there. It is integrated into each Facebook Flash CMS template for easy website editing and content updating. Each design element can be easily customized according to your project needs. The price mentioned here includes the Moto CMS license in addition to the price of a template and its source files (however you're only eligible to use this Moto CMS licence withing Facebook). Note: Extra sources for developers (FLA and AS) are included.

For developers to edit source files:
Adobe Flash CS3 or higher;

Hosting Requirements:
PHP v. 5.2.1 or higher;
Zend Optimizer v3.3 or higher.

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  • CREATED: 11/16/2011
    For uncompressing a template ZIP package:
    WinZip 9+ (Windows);
    Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac);
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  • tags: architecture facebook flash flashmoto xml