Posted in Flash Templates, General, Templates Releases

The science today seems to bring back the age of great discoveries.
Contemporary world is closer to the fantastic world that seemed to our ancestors unobtainable dreams of science fiction writers.
All science discoveries are nowadays appreciated and prized, and the most honorable among scientific awards today is Nobel Prize. Today, October 21, the whole world celebrates the birthday of Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a talented Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator and the founder of Nobel Prize.
Flashmint would love to join the celebration. So, today’s post is dedicated to Science & Technology Templates. Our designers suggest a variety of Flash, CSS, HTML and Swish templates on this theme.
For instance, this CSS web template would be a good way to represent any science company in the World Wide Web.
Among other Science and Technology templates offered at Flashmint I especially like this HTML template.
Isn’t it a best way to educate young generation, bring the greatest ideas and discoveries of the past and nowadays world to them?
I also really like this Tech research flash intro template. I think every research company would love to have such presentation of its work.
Well, this is our humble contribution to the contemporary science.
Our designers regularly enlarge this contribution, so check out our new Science and Technology Templates from time to time.