Posted in Flash, Flash Templates, News, Templates Releases

We discussed here the non-stop technological innovations and constantly upgrading technologies not once, and not just once FlashMint has proven to be the first in Flash development. And today we will prove it yet again.
FlashMint is proud to announce the launch of a brand new revolutionary product - Flash CMS v3 Templates. These new Flash website templates are developed with due consideration of your comfort and your web presence ever-changing needs.
Check Photo studio CMS v3 flash template
So lets find out what is so special about these templates and how they differ from CMS v1 and CMS v2.
The admin panel in CMS v3 is built with Flex, not php as in previous versions v1 and v2.
Here’s how it looks now:
Check the admin panel in action. (Use password 123).
So what are the new incredible features?
First of all CMS v3 allows you to have as many text pages as you wish. Opposed to 5 pages available in CMS v2 this change is huge.
Check Absolute photo studio CMS v3 flash template
Flash CMS v3 templates are SEO friendly. Now you can add page title and keywords to your index page:
Another huge change is the new functional buttons giving you an opportunity to sell your products right from your website. These buttons will make your work more cumfortable.
Your galleries are not limited in any way. You can easily add and edit them. Besides, you are now able to rotate, crop, resize and anyhow edit your images right on your website and easily search the images and galleries.
You can now modify and configure your menu, set a default page and change it when you wish to with the new menu editor.
And as every other FlashMint templates these Flash CMS v3 website templates have the most quality and professional designs.
Have a look at Deep space portfolio CMS v3 template
To have your incredible Flash CMS v3 website all up and running you need a web host that features php hosting and is dom_xml enabled.
If you need a professionally designed, easily operational and editable web template for your personal page, online portfolio or even an eCommerce these Flash CMS v3 templates are the perfect solution. They are created to be just that.

FlashMint suspends the special offer of free web hosting with every web template. We no longer provide 6 month free web hosting with every purchase. But don’t be upset right away! The new special offer won’t keep you waiting!
In association with Happy@Net – a leading provider of web hosting services – Flashmint.com is eager to impress you with new action. Be ready to experience something extraordinary and beneficial on the web!
Happy@Net is famous for providing web users with high-quality affordable hosting services. It appreciates its users and tries to improve their collaboration day by day. So now it is willing to gladden you with new incredible proposition.
Starting from this very day if you purchase any website template from Flashmint.com you will receive 50% discount on hosting service. When applying the coupon code, you will get 1 year of web hosting for free! Sounds almost unbelievable but that’s how we work!
Happy@Net offers green hosting plans ensuring environmental protection and the best possible operation of your online presence. Among three hosting plans you will be able to choose the one suiting your own needs and requirements.
Which is not less important, together with premium service you will get 24/7 technical support, so whichever issues arise you will get the proper solution in the quickest turnaround. 99.9% uptime is guaranteed along with 45 day money back and it is totally secured.
So there are no reasons to hesitate and there is the only conclusion – join Happy@Net and let that fruitful cooperation bring you the most successful results.
Don’t chuck away such a chance to prosper!

It may sound unusual but in fact the color of the website template tends to be not less important than its design. Your template color gamut makes great impression on the visitor and can even make or break your site. Different colors may be associated with certain emotions and make the user feel in a special way while surfing your website.
Dividing the background color in dark, light and colored for convenience, lets discuss each of them separately.
The first thought about dark color is that it symbolizes something official and formal. It is also known to provide sense of possibility and potential. Touching the templates it can refer to Business & Finance Templates, Services Templates.
But also dark colored backgrounds may be good for portfolios and design-related websites as they generally concentrate on the content.
The other quality of dark colors is mysteriousness. And we successfully have embodied it in our Spiritual Templates which concern astrology, hypnosis and fortune telling. Quite a mystery, isn’t it?
If you want to dedicate your future website to some leisure time aspects it is better to use light or bright colors as they somehow relax the user and provide him with the corresponding positive mood.
It is said that white color contains light energy and purity. It stands for completion and means kindness. White color is always perfect for Wedding Templates.
Among colored templates there are a lot of blue, yellow, red and green tints. They are bright and joyous but what in fact do they convey?
Blue is a color of spirituality and inspiration, it can remind you of ocean or twilight which is very calming and relaxing. Our Marina & Water Templates are full with pleasant natural blue color. Besides blue color is helpful for communication and encourages feeling of peace.
Shiny yellow is full of creative and intellectual energy and tends to symbolize wisdom. Like a sunny day it brings you feeling of joy and happiness. It also clears your mind and makes you active. Our Children Templates are full of yellow tints– they are bright and cheerful, and it feels like the sun shines on you from the monitor!
If you heard that red is a color of blood and anger don’t be in a hurry to avoid it – there is another energy in it. Red is considered to be the warmest color and is associated with love and passion. Our Dating & Relations Templates are a good proof of this feature.
If you see our Flowers Templates you will definitely notice a lot of green there. And this is natural because thinking about green color one quickly imagines nature and fertility. Green is a safe color and means growth and harmony. It also contains the desire to expand and encourages new ideas.
Light or dark, bright and colorful – whichever template you need you will definitely find the solution at Flashmint.com. The whole palette for you to choose!
What color have you picked for your website?

Posted in Flash Templates, Templates Releases

In the rapid market of web templates filled with authoritative competitors offering a huge deal of professional website templates, premium flash templates, Swish, CSS and HTML templates and of course osCommerce templates, do you think there might be a need for the new template products featured as Flash eCommerce Templates?
To make it clear, Flash eCommerce Templates are the pre-designed skins for the web stores and eShops that include the main eCommerce features and key elements but enhanced with delicious Flash animation and admin panel developed on Flex technology. With the help of Flash eCommerce Templates one will be able to create, manage and administer fully functional high quality online shops with fabulous design developed in Flash with no technical knowledge at all.
If you base your Internet store on Flash eCommerce Template, you will be able to easily add new products and categories via site admin panel. You should not be a real geek to manage site admin since Flex technology does not require deep knowledge like Flash. However, you and your store visitors will still enjoy all the advantages and benefits of professional Flash animation.
While searching for such an approach, I’ve been managed to come across with osCommerce templates enhanced with Flash animated headers only; but could not find a single eCommerce template developed all in Flash. Have you seen this before? Or have you already heard about Flash osCommerce templates? If yes, please provide us the links where we could have a look since we think that Flash eCommerce templates might become an exciting breakthrough in the global eTrading.
To conclude, do you think Flash eCommerce Templates are what Template industry is missing? Will Flash eCommerce Templates be popular among web developers and common online shop owners? Are you willing to see the principally new approach to eCommerce designs? Please share your thoughts and ideas with Flashmint.