adapts to any browser size
no limited Gallerys
Photos in portrait and landscape
Text for each Photo
Download Options
Slide Show
Twitter & Facebook Options
Save or scale images
swi .swf .php .PNG .PSD
Inside this template, you can import as much photos as you want and create infinite number of galleries.
In the new version of the flash gallery it adjusts to each Browser size. You have the ability to send photos directly to Facebook and Twitter, to save pictures and shrink or enlarge.
Add photos in portrait and landscape
Activate the download option, so your visitors can download your photos from your gallery.
Write a text, formatted in html to each Photo inside the gallery.
The Galleries can be controlled by a FLEX CMS Tool, which runs local on your computer. You can easily add or delete galleries. You also can add or delete photos by using this easy system.
May 27, 2011
why there is no photos on galleries